Software Engineer

What I did in 2019

I know this is probably coming a little late compared to some. But that’s just who I am.

I just graduated in December of 2018. So the first quarter of 2018 was filled with applications and anxiety. Eventually, I got a job as a Software Engineer. However, through the past 8 months, I’ve learned that title is much more of a formality than anything else. I’ve become a sme in things I didn’t know existed 12 months ago and mildly knowledgeable of even more. I regularly get to wear the hat of a Software Engineer, Red teamer, Blue Teamer, RF Engineer, and Systems Engineer all in the same day.

I attended a few conferences, ShowMeCon and GRCon to name a few. Unfortunately, time slipped me by and I couldn’t attend BSides HSV. At GRCon, I was floored by the massive knowledge base I was surrounded by. Everyone there was a contributor to GNURadio itself or a wildly popular OOT like gr-satellites. If you aren’t familiar, this project has software to capture and demodulate the signal of several dozen active satellites. It’s a amazing. One talk about ads-b inspired me to write a ads-b transmitter as an entry to the world of SDR. And I was successful. I was surprised at how easy it was (humble brag). However, I’m afraid of the repercussions for releasing the code, so I’m afraid it will stay buried.

Besides the world of conferences and SDRs. I’ve toyed with 3d printing and design. I’m still quite a novice, but I’ve made a few designed that I hope to post to thingiverse soon. They include a Raspberrypi case and camera holder, a ShowMeCon badge, and a case for a stock ticker like 64x8 led matrix.

I’ve started studying for Security+, CISSP, and CEH. This is all required by my work and has triggered horrible war-like flashbacks to studying in college.

I started toying with C/CUDA because parallelization gets me hot and heavy. However, I haven’t even successfully compiled any CUDA code yet, but a boy can dream.

I helped make my first site (besides this one). I toyed with a new JS framework called Svelte/Sapper. Unfortunately, Web dev scares me so I’ll save it for another time.

I got to visit my friends in DC around the Holidays and have fallen in love with the city. I hope to live there one day. Plus I miss my friends, so that’s a plus.

I’m sure there are many I’m forgetting but this is what I remembered so this must be what’s important. At least to me.